WORKS > Threshold: Sonoran Sea

Threshold: Sonoran Sea - Video
Single Channel Video
Threshold: Sonoran Sea
Video Still
Threshold: Sonoran Sea
Video Still
Threshold: Sonoran Sea
Video Still
Threshold: Sonoran Sea
Video Still
Threshold: Sonoran Sea
Video Still
Threshold: Sonoran Sea
Video Still
Threshold: Sonoran Sea
Video Still
Threshold: Sonoran Sea
Video Still

Threshold: Sonoran Sea is an immersive two-channel video installation. Set in coastal Sonora, Mexico at the meeting of the ocean and desert, a narrative of human and animal transference takes place as viewers move through two opposing projections that situate them centrally within a surreal threshold between water and land.

Navigating an isolated coastal landscape at the precipice of anthropocentric destruction, a woman traverses bleached architecture and beach dunes in solitude, encountering a supernatural figure, dolphins, and water birds engaging in tenuousness conditions of survival. Set amidst the meeting of two environments (desert and ocean) that both bare the limits and expanses of the edges of a human-centric reality, Threshold: Sonoran Sea is a speculative folktale of a near-future where endings become beginnings.

This work was made possible with an Arts Foundation New Works Project Grant.