Ungrund Collective
Ungrund is a collective of artists (Nika Kaiser, Jessie Rose Vala, Julia Oldham, Suzy Poling, and Light Hits) working within the realm of video. These works echo discussions within Dark Ecology, Depth Psychology, as well as the unitary experience of psychedelics. Many of these artists pull inspiration from harsh landscapes such as metamorphic zones, high desert and outer space. A relationship of the unknown known is culled by interactions each artist constructs with the landscape. The ephemeral quality of video captures a psychic communication with their surroundings. This transcoding becomes a way to illuminate our intrinsic interconnectivity to all reality invisible and visible.
These investigations like psychedelic experience challenge our perception of reality. Psychedelics can lead to a transpersonal experience with ones surroundings, thus implicating us in the mesh of the universe. Each artist accesses a deep relationship to the universe inspired by research into physics, metamorphic petrology, magic, or the unconscious.